Sonntagmorgen mit Hund. Nur eine kurze

Sonntagmorgen mit Hund. Nur eine kurze

Sonntagmorgen mit Hund. Nur eine kurze Runde ums Wasser, da das Tierchen momentan nicht so fit ist.


Face to face


I love my .La reine en son royaume au petit matin pour finir sur son trne

. /KrohxRNK junto a Rayko y Ragnar

Muchas gracias por confiar en mi u.u



A 21 year old dog whose owners wanted her put down for being too old has been taken in for rehoming instead and there are already ten families wanting to give her a loving home.

A dog from Romania who was treated terribly has been rehomed and, after very patient care by her new owners, has become a therapy dog. We have helped to change Josies life, and now she is changing other peoples lives. What she is achieving is phenomenal she is phenomenal!

#dog Dog

2 month old

Good morning and happy Sunday! Good and productive times were had in the garden yesterday, there are deeper holes now.


Indy is still very happy in South Maui and probably thinks Hillary is my punishment for being gone for 2 weeks.

Even my Zoey is playing

There's no such word as "can't" to an .

Or a ...or a .

Forrester ants, indigenous and beneficial, helping to clean up under my bird feeders.

It's amazing how strong ants are. It's like, picking up a refrigerator and carrying it 27 miles across mountains and hills and giant boulders. It just blows my mind

Mama is tired tonight. This is Kitty. Shes 13 years old and she rarely does this. Usually she points her fart maker at me.

Great Pyrenees


Rest in peace chiquitines

Pretty sure something went horribly wrong while FaceTiming my dog (side note: everything was fine)



2016 .

I can use my dog as a sun dial sometimes. Must be around 6:00

or in a

morning with two pugs
