


Motivationsschub Extreme!
Dieses Gesicht brauchte ich ganz dringend heute Morgen!
Wer noch Bitteschn!

Moss has gone on a mini caravan holiday for a few days. He LOVES the caravan and knows the word very well. He packed some toys and I'll see him again Saturday.






This Pup Is In Love With His Blind Foster Kittens The Dodo


s meat sellers fear for future after crackdowns on trade

These are some work-in-progress photos of a painting that was made at the request of a gentleman in New York state several months ago message me if you'd like to have me paint your little guy!

Psychologists Have Created A League Table Of Scary And Revolting Animals Phobias:

You may be best advised not to read this article late at night or before you eat. Psychologists at the National Institute of Mental Health and Charles University in the Czech Republic have surveyed a large sample of non-clinical volunteers to gauge their reaction


Ill miss his doofy face

When you tell your kid they're not getting a Happy Meal.

Great Pyrenees

We're in the middle of a supershedder event here, I'm brushing about five corgis' worth of fluff out of her coat several times a day and there's no sign of the storm relenting any time soon, I haven't been able to wear black in a week please send help
#dog #DogsOfMastodon

day twenty three: Old English Sheepdog!

Old English Sheepdogs can grow very long coats with fur covering the face and eyes and do not shed unless brushed. The Old English Sheepdog can compete in dog agility trials, obedience, Rally obedience, Schutzhund, showmanship, flyball, tracking, and herding events.

Ted rarely uses his pit hes too nosey and wants to be around people. But me having COVID, hes so far every day hidden away in his pit. Before this hed follow me round the house all day ALL day.

A Dog's Journey

called 911 as i encountered a in a v hot car (90 degrees outside)with window rolled down just enuf for his head in a vet cone to stick out. window was rolled up to his chin, trapping him. pretty owner came back & tried flashing a smile.no longer buying that routine any more thanx.then she screamed at me calling me a psycho, veracity of which is debatable these days.irrevelant here in any case. but i did weep in my car later. for all the dogs. for all the kids w/out loving homes.

My dog Seiko in hot summer day.
Witch one do you prefer, 1 or 2
: Seiko
: Nikon D750

Grabber meeting my dog Louie.

#2023 ####

Met this dog at the store.

I don't know why he's wearing shades but he's way cooler than you.

I'm calling him dog.i.am