Raka en famille

Raka en famille

Raka en famille

Plume en famille


Der Morgen mit dem Wolf. Das Schild ist wohl ausnahmsweise nicht Vandalen zum Opfer gefallen (zu steil, zu weit vom Ort).

Hunting Lions !


Lunch Time !

This is the winner of the fanart votation for September hosted on the Patreon Discord Server.
Isabelle from Animal crossing - suggested by Mr.Diamond ( Legendary Member)

2Great Pyrenees

Cause its thriller, thriller night
Furpoc is in a little over a week now will I see you there if you dare

- Me :nevowo:

Another Indy for the evening here in Hawaii. I have snacks and he is very interested in sharing (which of course he got his share).

When the pile of your beds is taller than you are...


The family and her stuffed animal :3

A very happy gall!
Music from Tall Guy Short Songs - Good Dog.

He promised her that she could ring the doorbell. a heavy mistake...

I'm a little behind on this challenge just a little bit. Let's pretend that it's perfect within the theme :3


Hi hiii 

if you like you can support me with a 

Many more leaves are falling now, and the wind will be assisting soon... enjoy those leaves while they last!

She likes to ragdoll if you pick her up and hold her

2Great Pyrenees

Staying warm tonight with some

It's a ding dong. thinks I'm trying to edit a ding dong out of my female and says woah, best I can do is put another ding dong there, sorry.

I tried multiple times and it keeps trying to put more ding dongs. No editing that leash out for me!

En plus des vpets, je suis fou de mes deux  rpets  damour !

Daisy is very happy that I've finally seen it her way and am giving her dinner. (It's at 5:30 every night. She starts staring at me at 5. Lady, it won't change the timing. I promise).

I've finally received the case for my so I can start carrying it around (the damn thing is way too slippery).

This is the new camera like what the hell


Look who was waiting for me when I got back.

What did I do (or not do) this bloody time!


2) Countless animals have been killed in and thousands more abandoned as their owners flee for their lives or have been killed themselves. Many of these animals are injured, starving and terrified.

has a , , and a shelter, doing amazing, life saving work on behalf of all.
Donations which they depend on to care for and treat these animals are urgently needed now.



Bad bird :(