Cute Transparent Doggo Sticker:

Cute Transparent Doggo Sticker:

Cute Transparent Doggo Sticker:

Awards for Dogs

Fiadh posing on a limestone erratic in the Burren. Erratics are boulders dropped from melting glaciers at the end of the last iceage over 15,000 years ago.
County Clare, Ireland. walking tours

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Bird dog spotted a bird.

Rurus reckless behavior

Here's not 's fursona!You can find out Ludwig got their sona in this video (=)

Mit dem Hund am Rhein. Hier darf er ein wenig herum rennen und hat seinen Spa. Immer wieder schn anzusehen, wie er aus reiner Freude wild durch die Gegend rennt. ber Stock und Stein, durchs Wasser seine Runden dreht :-)


Hanging out with the pack

Chief Comforter...

Can I haz a cookie puweeze

August 4th 2024

Are you coming

August 4th 2024

You'd never guess where we are right now
Ah, who am I kidding
We all know Arwen and I love our routines......
So when we can go, we will go...

August 4th 2024

I had wondered what happened to that little dildo that I first trained with. That dog has been playing with that for years

Ugly passed out with my parents.

So Cute

It's been doggone hot in Montana & Wyoming the last couple days, but welcome changes are coming! I'll have your 7-day weather forecast on KTVQ & MTN at 5:30 & 10!

Sipping some Pu Ehr and wiling away the afternoon until its bearable to walk the maniacs.

Half of Dads Face Rebuilt After Dog Sniffs Out Cancer to Save His Life: Do Not Ignore the Symptoms

I am ground


No cat today, I was with this lovely dog all day

Nyt ei kyll pallopiilosta tullut kovin pitv.

The dog Hayka, evacuated by the military from Donetsk region, was sheltered at the Rivne police dog training center. After being washed and brushed, she immediately started performing her "official" duties: together with (PHOTOS and more)

A beautiful morning for a change, but Kengo had a spa appointment and no walk in the park. The groomer said he shed a's the time of year. He got another bandana and is clean! Dad got a haircut in the meantime, too.

A Ukrainian dog helped detect a Russian invader hideout in a bombed out basement. After the dog got clear, the Armed Forces of Ukraine struck the hideout with an attack drone. (VIDEO)

A photo of my dog Panko every day #dog #DogsOfMastodon
Eventful day today! We had our yearly vaccinations. Also noticed panko was doing something a little different after he poops on walks so asked the vet about it. I showed him a video and explained what was different. Outside of that there was nothing else that would indicate something was up. After some body checks and stretches it seems he has a sore/sprained muscle in the back-ish area. So we now have some muscle stretches to work on over the next week.
We also went to a market today and Panko received a lot of love from a couple of random people (and one doggo).

