Blimey, Riley! number 50

Blimey, Riley! number 50

Blimey, Riley! number 50

Happy Friday! I recently visited my friend who lives with three schnauzers. This sweetie is Holly, my namesake.

A photo of my dog Panko every day #dog #DogsOfMastodon
1 My POV eating lunch today at the table

Heute war es zwar kalt, aber endlich mal kein Regen!


What Can I Do If My Dog Eats Grapes



Besucht mich auf derHUND2024

Vom 2. bis 4. Februar erfahrt Ihr mehr ber den SEARCH SUMMIT 2024 auf der Hundemesse in Winterthur.

Receta para ser feliz

If you give me a treat I will smile for you.

I think he's trying to tell me its bedtime by staring at me intently.


He doin' me a bark!

Hatch moaning at me because I wouldn't let him try my cheesecake.

1. It's got chocolate in it.
2. You are lactose intolerant.
3. You tried to run back inside last time I took you for a walk in the icy rain.
4. You really really don't want to have post-cheese potty time and neither do I.

My weird doggo

Great Pyrenees


Powder photo time! She looks so good in winter and I like purple :)


Aaand finally, 1h15, we're all done! Yay! I think she's going to nap for a looooong while now.

1h in, we're reaching new angles.

45 minutes in, the Kong is done but not the meal. The rest of her food is frozen in the compartments of this dog puzzle. Round 2, go!

30 minutes in, just heard the LOUDEST burp from the other room but we're not giving up. It's half of a walk babes, keep pushing!


15 minutes, going strong


If you suffer from anything chronic that means you sometimes have to skip walks, I cannot emphasize enough how great it is to freeze your dog's meal! We had a good walk this morning because I could tell tonight would be near impossible. 6pm, frozen kong, go!

Got an electric throw blanket today, so I can be comfy-cozy while sitting at my desk and not have to run the space heater the whole time.

Nikko definitely approves of the new blanket!

Woof! The latest in my new Dancing Daisy series.


Assisi, ottobre 2023

The dietary fiber in yucca can help promote feelings of fullness and reduce appetite, making it easier for dogs to maintain a healthy weight.

Read more


He is always watching