akita dog (dog)

akita dog (dog)


akita dog (dog)

Learning to draw in 2024! Day 312. Ref:

Learning to draw in 2024! Day 312. Ref:

To brighten up your timeline. This is Jayne, 8 years ago. He always brightens up my day



Urban cryptid

En photo Vitou, Valkye(rserve), Vaska et Inouk(reserv) dans la verdure au niveau de la haie


Gestern nachmittag Hysterektomie - was fr eine Nacht...

Die OP hat sich als lebensrettend erwiesen, richtige Entscheidung, dringend notwendig, letzter Moment.

Uns war nicht bewusst, dass eine unkastrierte Hndin (9 J) innerhalb von 2 Wochen so akut werden kann.

Unser "liebstes Trampeltier der Welt" hat jetzt Schmerzmittel fr 2 Tage intus, und ich htte das auch gerne...

60 #

Of By Kaye Menner at:


The sunset yesterday was so stunning. Denver was just happy to be on the beach.

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Charlie hopes he can make someone's day brighter!

Timeline Cleanse.

As my used to say... This too shall pass. Join hands at the supper table.

The May 1960 issue of Ace magazine absolutely SWEARS that this model's real name is Beverly Hills. I remain a skeptic:

:dogeparrot: walkies and Toot :annoyingdog:

Ello frens and fans of Arwen :paw:

We're back with another SniffBook walkies Toot! It's a dry but humid night, it's 6C with a real feel of 5 degrees.

I've done my best at the gym. When I got back, I cleaned Arwen's ears. One was nice and clean, one had some icky in it, but definitely not as bad as it had been when the infections started.

After brekky, I got the ear drops in Arwen's ears, obviously, which is always a challenge as she really doesn't like them. But if they help to prevent new infections, then it's a small struggle that I'm happy to have every other day.

Today is Germany day. If we get back in time, I may get around to picking up the parcels I need to gather, so I'll have Friday free of those chores. The one in town is ready for pickup, the one in the other town hasn't been delivered there yet. So that one may have to wait till Friday after all.

Talking about parcels, as I mentioned in the gym Toot, I've not had any updates on the parcel that's on the way to a very sweet friend. It's expected to be ready for delivery on Saturday, so fingers crossed for that!

Arwen has been doing loads better, health wise! She's been walking better, she's been running a bit more again, especially to her favorite puddle! The neighbor N always has to laugh when she says "go and splash" and Arwen will rush off like they just opened an all-you-can-eat buffet . She always trotted to it a bit, but now she takes a long run to get to it! Which is just wonderful and been made possible thanks to all of you! :flyinghearts:

I've been struggling still. My weight slowly keeps going up. With the help of my PT, I've been trying so slowly start walking in the treadmill again. I stopped as I didn't trust my leg and the idea of that giving out while on the mill, that was a big nope. But I've done two short, slow, walks yesterday and today, and they went rather well.

My sleep isn't too bad, although there's still silly dreams. I still eat unhealthy most of the time, as I just lack the motivation to properly cook. Which, combined with less exercise, is also the reason for my slow increase in weight.

I try to enjoy things. I try to do the needed chores and keep on top of things. But my motivation is low and my "usual" pain levels have not been around for a while. The pain is not so bad that it brings me to tears and all, but I do need more support from my meds, just to be able to function. I notice that certain chores are being neglected, and I really dislike that... But it's just a big struggle to get myself to actually do these chores. If that makes sense...

Thanks to all of your generous help I've had less worries about Arwen! I've been able to get the meds and supplements. I've been able to get a new harness, so that she should be more comfortable (I hope) as the old one didn't really fit properly anymore. As mentioned in the gym Toot, I tried to replace it a few years ago, but the one I got then was even more uncomfortable for her. So we switched back to the old one, and I've not been able to replace that until now. I love walkies with Arwen, and she loves her walkies again now too! So I would like her to be as comfortable during them as possible.

I know Arwen is 11. I know that our time may be limited. Although I've known two chocolate Labs that made it to 15, I don't know if I'm allowed so much more time with Arwen... But do my best to make her time, however long or short, as good as possible! :heart:

Fankoos :bearlove: to all who have been supporting us these last few weeks! We really appreciate all your generous help and your comforting wishes.

We'll keep on doing our best and I'll keep doing my best to share Arwen's adventures. Here, on Pixelfed, and on PeerTube. :bearnuzzle:

Added an older snap of Arwen, just because I could. :ablobcatangel:

Back to pretty pictures, cause thats all Ive got in the face of all of it.

My wife and Benny Beagle and the sunset.

November 6, 2024. Wolverine Lake, Michigan.

Today my kids's new is with (I don't know how I will pay off the credit card any time soon) and my had her killed by a hit and run while she was walking the pup (the car almost hit her as well).

Not a good of how things will be going. .

If your heart is broken like mine, hug a sweet dog and hang on for dear life.

Times are tough, but heal up a bit with the cutest best boi in the world.

Dog has taken over the cot I set up due to wildfire conditions here.

Discover ways to spoil your pup on a budget.

Tyson saying hi to a friend :aneodogtalk:

Walking the dog :aneodogbongo: