Le plaisir de jouer au parc est indniable ! Malgr la fatigue due la balade de hier


Im pretty sure thats his actual car


Awards for Dogs

Hey, I know a cool trick with my eyebrows. Look!

2/2 ...ja sitten se jemmataan seuraavaa koirapuistokynti varten.

1/2 Taas on tapettu...

Wanneer je lievelingsknuffel de was ingaat ...

Great Pyrenees

This guy thought it was going to be fine to dig and then come into bed with a muddy chin, but he begrudgingly let me wash his beard and he's right back in bed.


EP064 Rexo get out from my way funny me

# #

I'll give you one guess on what I did today!!!
Hint: I was very happyyyyy

out up at so Marcus & I could go in the .

This was the weve had in a bit & our first since the loss of our Harley the week before.

The of the and was taken with an & they turned out astoundingly beautiful.

Having this reminds me of whats important in & thats living it.

We visited Warragamba Dam.

I dont think the pictures really depict the scale of the dam that wellits really large. They didnt open the main spillway this time, though I expect they might not for a while now that La Nia is finally on its way out.

An interesting aside is the non-standard speed limit road sign from the viewing platform (these are multiples of 10). I appreciate how they tried to match the current design though.

As a bonus, have a dog picture of Miller who spent his time wisely running around chasing birds in the yard while we were out, and was settled (a rare occurrence!) when we finally came home.

#Travel #Photo #Dog #GermanShepherd

It is I, Chihuahua, guide through the afterlife for the soul of dead nobles. Crawl on my back. My spirit will swim for you across the river to the heavenly destination that is your afterlife.

Hatch was very happy to model my finished cowl in exchange for pats, even though he just woke up.

Cowl is "Whale Watch Cowl" from pdxknitterati, yarn is Knit Picks Preciosa in Blue Skies and Crest.

It is humid and unpleasant out here, but my poor dog has been cooped up while we were all sick. Since he's a "no take only throw" kind of pup I only had to throw the ball once and now he's just running past me every once in a while for funsies.

Saying hello to the neighbor kids

Grendel has a stick.


My sleepy baby




Julieta or Juju, Meme's dog friend. There are two other dogs here, her children, but she is more friendly with Meme. She was abandoned here and already pregnant by the time Meme was being weaned by Miminha. They ended up getting names together: Meme is actually "Romeo", later started being called "Memeo" and then Meme.
Julieta ou Juju, a amiga canina do Meme. H outros dois ces aqui, seus filhos, mas ela mais amigvel com Meme. Foi abandonada aqui e j estava grvida na poca em que o Meme estava sendo desmamado pela Miminha. Acabaram ganhando nomes juntos: Meme na verdade "Romeu", depois comeou a ser apelidado "Memeu" e ento Meme.