While hiking the mounting Monte Vettore

While hiking the mounting Monte Vettore

While hiking the mounting Monte Vettore in Italy this summer, a herding dog (with its herd of sheep a little further down the mountain side), was doing its own thing, calming walking around - seemingly unbothered by all of hiking tourists. When the dog stopped for a moment - seemingly to enjoy the view (though probably more likely to look over its sheep herd) - I snapped this photo.

# -DOT6d

A potentially fatal mystery illness in dogs is spreading in the US. It starts with a cough



Excuse me please, Sir, quick question, could I have a small bite of your lunch sandwich Just a tiny one So hungry, I havent eaten for the best part of the last 10 minutes, please!

Bon samedi la gang.

Cute dog video from Cassandra Comics


chunk = reduced


ver.12023 Akita dog and autumn in Japan


461yorkshre terrier

comforts crying while mom takes a break

461yorkshre terrier

Z On the half-hour the first repeat of our half hour monthly feature. this week it's Spotlight on Assistance Dogs Presented by Devon from Canada. Join Devon for a busy half-hour of articles, interviews and music about assistance dogs.  

look at the cute baby

Great Pyrenees

AD-HOC Shelter 3-12 - Heading Out
If you've ever worked at a place where you need an ID badge, you know you never stop forgetting the damn thing.
October 2020

Daily posts at 6 CST until we're caught up! (about 40 pages!)
Want to read ahead Check out

T mun petiseura on tmmst halailijatyyppi.

Kind of cheating but windows are windows...You see Kengo

Mimmostas petiseuraa teill on tn yn


Sorry I haven't been around as much folks, been busy with work and college. New video this weekend. Until then... pet pic!

"Dogs and cats living together! Mass hysteria!" - Peter Venkman in Ghostbusters, played by Bill Murray

These little babies make me so happy every day.

Good Boy greeting Pedestrians