Golden Retriever japan



Thank you for all the favorites and boosts for Whoopie's photos.

Unfortunately we received very bad news on Thursday 15th Feburary and are very worried about our Whoopie. She has been diagnosed with malignant cancer again...

Further investigations will follow on Tuesday.


Today we went on the first longer .
30km ride. Up to the peace stuppa and around the in . All together 600m Lucky (the ) ran 10km of it (500m and all of the ) the rest I carried him on the
Off the main road, I let him run free or on a leash.
In the sections (mostly paved) he was as fast as me, on the (jeep track) I was not as fast as I would be on my own.
Looks like he enjoyed it a lot, but still not sure who of us is more exhausted

Awards for Dogs

After 13 years, the Fort Worth Animal Shelter's Ambassador, Henry, is retiring to spend his golden years gnawing on treats and peeing on stuff. It should also be noted that Henry is a canine, but subby's retirement will look very similar

Best belly rub ever

Big mock search today up on 1500 acres of some tough terrain in the Tennessee mountains. About a dozen airscent dog teams working simultaneously. Really good training scenarios, including our find of a (part of scenario but not actually lost - not who we were looking for) camping family of four, who yes, really camped out last night so HUGE scent pool plus campfire. This is a legit thing that can happen! It was a cold day (never got above 40f) but fun. Edraith ran over 10 miles and worked her butt off. Very proud of my girl <3


Alright, this is a little early, but I was instantly charmed by Johnny, an entrant in the Pet Pals Constume Contest sponsored by the Northern Kiwanis in Columbus, OH, USA.





That's a pretty good stick.

what is the missing link between and in the universe, i wonder and the ethical implications of this



From January/February 2024
Art by Irellium

You feeling nervous Scared You should be.......

Please support my fundraiser for our Ladybug. She cant stop wagging her tail. Lifes too wonderful, shes too happy.

Lets all strive to be like Ladybug.

It's a lazy rainy Saturday which means I'm never getting up from this couch.

Lewis is hiding from the vacuum.

Faith is a strange little dog... #

A tan and brown chug enjoying an empty eye socket rub.

Another snow day yay
Don't worry, she's a professional, they'll be rounded up in no time.
#dog #DogsOfMastodon #corgi

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Dans l'enceinte du chteau de DreamLand, les monstres se dchanent et la petite sorcire est libre de ses chanes !

Im getting breathed on.

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