How to Prevent Your from Biting

How to Prevent Your from Biting

How to Prevent Your from Biting Neighbors and Passersby: Anti-Bite Pet for Aggressive Dogs..
It is designed to address various concerns related to dog behavior and safety... more:

Bonjour Humain !

w w

Dog is giving me a look

Gee I wonder if its his play time or something


90% of the life with a is following each other wondering what the other one just ate.


Literally me when I start shitposting and flood your precieous timelines with my opinions


When I see this little and his perfect little question mark tail, I have to share it with everyone. That's just the rules.

When you work hard, you have to sleep hard.

Anticipation (with drool)

Great Pyrenees


"'He'll always let you pet him and lets you talk to him if you need someone to talk to,' she said, petting the . 'It's very nice.'"

He's waiting for the last three letters of "bath" to be "one" then he'll comply oh how his devious little mind works

A mostly sweet story, considering we're talking about a dog in wartime.

"The Dog Who Served on Both Sides of the American Revolution"

Okay so I had a office helper today

had a small scratch on its paw and it kept re-opening the wound. I put a protective dog sock over it and a dog boot for walking outside. Dog doesn't know how to use a shoe.

Dog's mobility has been significantly cur-tailed.



Dog drawing.


Retro SciFi Film of the Week

Mars Attacks (1998)

This ones really weird. It makes fun of all those 1950s science fiction films, showing many of the common tropes and stock characters, but turning them into gags. There's a lot of graphic violence portrayed in a comedic style in this movie which was kind of a new phenomenon at the time it came out, at least for a major Hollywood scifi.

*****SPOILERS: The attached unauthorized trailer contains spoilers and graphic violence.*****

The gags in this film will make you laugh, but theyll also erode your empathy and moral compass, so watch at your own risk.

accessible description:

Video opens with a new-age woman holding a crystal sitting on top of a car wearing new-age attire, and overlooking a huge crowd of people off in the distance who are gathered around a landing pad out in the middle of the desert. A sign says Welcome To Earth, there are a couple of news reporters giving on-the-spot news reports. The woman reporter is carrying a little chihuahua, a flying saucer comes down, it's landing gear extends and it sets down, then a big long ramp unrolls, there's a red carpet waiting for the aliens to come out, then cut to the president looking at his TV Set as an alien comes out of the spaceship, the alien talks in an alien language and a geeky guy translates it with some goofy machine, everybody smiles when the translation says We Come in Peace, then a hippie releases a dove and the dove flies overhead and the alien shoots down the dove with a laser, frying it to a crisp. Then the aliens start shooting all of the people and the soldiers who are in 1950s style jeeps and tanks. Quick cut to a guy in a Las Vegas casino who says whoa, one of the soldiers runs towards the alien carrying a gun and yelling, one of the reporters runs across and falls on the ground, crawls over to the other reporter, and they reach out to grab each other's hands, the camera shows the woman reaching and grabbing the guy's hand, then an alien fires a laser and cut back to the woman with the guys hand but the rest of the reporter is missing, it's just his hand cut off at the wrist. the woman drops the hand in shock then the little chihuahua quickly walks up and grabs the hand by a finger and drags it away, and only a skeleton of the reporter remains because he got shot by the alien. The aliens gather up some things and fly away and the new-age woman sits on top of her car in shock overlooking a scorched empty desert with no people left.


Geen hondje ter wereld wat zo aandoenlijk slaapt als onze Kendie.

Extra big Labby but he's in color now

coo&riku No.00648038

2022 today. I miss Drake.