Haven't had the time to draw

Haven't had the time to draw

Haven't had the time to draw anything the past weeks, been spending some quality time outside with friends and family, should be able to get back to drawing next week '
Have some of the picture I've taken meanwhile :blobfoxcamera:

I love my dog. We both love nature. But her love to nature very specific

Une matine pleine de sauts et obstacles ! Un plein de dpenses bienvenue

Speaking of "great books to read before getting a puppy", this one was an absolute banger. :blobcatbigfan:

Amidst a sea of books by "professional dog trainer with decades of experience" (which may or may not be good or useful for the things you had in mind for your dog) it was SO refreshing to read someone who weighs the puppy's interest at least equal to that of the owner (or, more appropriately, "dog guardian").

Since then, I've stumbled upon more than a handful of others Shay Kelly, Marc Bekoff, the entire who share this notion of companionship over compliance, but this was the book that has shown me the light and I'll be forever grateful for it.

(having read this on my e-reader, the high-quality color photos of the hardcover edition is an added bonus)

Good morning and happy Friday! We hope you have a wonderful day, please stay safe and always be kind.

Der Morgen mit Hund (Suchbild). Heute sind wir beide kaum den Berg hochgekommen. #morgen

Here, hope it makes your day better.

Award your Fabulous Dog


This Saint Bernard just got loose in my neighborhood but fortunately a neighbor knew where he lived. After we got him out of the sushi restaurant and I put my chihuahuas leash on him, we led him home or maybe he was doing the leading. Woke up his owners dad, who thought he was sleeping in the bathroom, but actually he was sneaking out the back.

SHOP UPDATE! The Underworld has to warn their mailmen and Amazon delivery drivers too.

New Warning Cerberus On Duty stickers are now available here:


Hazelnut waiting for her mommy to get home! Shes such a mommys girl, she barely cares when Im around, but when mommy is out, she frets and frets.

Great Pyrenees

Max's Bedroom Eyes- Naked
Honestly, it didn't require much to convince me.

Happy Friday !

SAR at Doomsday Haunt the other day again...I had to run and leave early because we are trying to move...only to get word that the movers we hired (small company) the guy died :o so we aren't moving as planned. My ND brain is about to explode from all the major changes for all the major life changes.

I really like this bandana. So very Puget Sound / /

day seventeen: Basset Hound!

The Basset Hound is a short-legged breed of dog in the hound family. The Basset is a scent hound that was originally bred for the purpose of hunting hare. Their sense of smell and ability to ground-scent is second only to the Bloodhound.

He likes my side of the bed.
#Dog #FediDogs #GermanShepherd



I just came back a few minutes ago from delivering a nice big breakfast to my street dog pals down the road. When you order artwork from me, it helps me keep these two and many other dogs and cats well-fed and healthy!



Farm Dog (2023) 5 min by Elizabeth Steim

"Eine Doppelrolle, sagten sie. Tja, es war ein Mrchen."