Happy Birthday to my sweet little

Happy Birthday to my sweet little

Happy Birthday to my sweet little girl.

Two years old today!

Every boost = I pet her for you.

Every like = I tell her what a good girl she is and happy birthday.

"work in progress"

Happy Mondog! Hope you have a great week.

Good Monday


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Our neighbor crafted a jacket for our . It's awesome.

Photo of looking stylish while posing on a downed in our

We took a walk on the ice of , and found a ball that was a tad too big.

Gimme some belly scratches please.
Arwen, laying halfway on her back, a big grin on her face, ready to receive some nice belly rubs.


I like Shikoku dogsSamurai dog TV

Mid Morning Kip.



Artist: / in - City: ,De Langhestraat 47, Belgium - Title: "Onderwaterhond" -

akita dog




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Friend of the family: Tex.

May I present Team Dingbat representing The DingDongs of Wingwong Island. No seriously I love my boys so much.

playing piano and singing

A very warm Sunday afternoon

Great Pyrenees


This is my doggo her name is churro.
She sometimes sports PINK BOOTS!

Another great shot of Grendel by

We're pretty sure he was born in Feb last year, so I guess he's about full grown now. He's around 60 lbs., and quite solid. He's also quite a stubborn ass sometimes, but mostly a good boy. :)


The face of a denied his share of beef gyro platter.

Look into those eyes

Golden Retriever japan
