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A tiny blep in the second picture.


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Bonjour Jai 4 ans aujourdhui!! Mais regardez comme je suis reste petite et mignonne

6#shortsvideo #frenchbulldog

We had a visitor at work today.

Fun times with the pups!

This is Sushi, a dog we found about 3 yrs ago running around extremely hungry and in need of someone to help him out. Here are some photos we took after his hair started growing back and he had gained some weight. He'd been really sick. Sushi now lives with an old woman who works as a cook on a small beach restaurant. He is very fat now + enjoying his life.

This is my lovely wife holding one of the dogs from that litter in the swamp that were rescued by my neighbors and I, his name was Oreo. Buying art from me helps us to continue to improve the lives of the dogs and cats in our community. We have found homes for lots of kittens and puppies throughout the last seven years

Award your Fabulous Dog

This is Rambo, one of a litter of puppies that my neighbors and I rescued from the swamp that runs around our neighborhood. We found a home for him, he has been happily living with them for several years now. When you get art from me, it helps my wife and I do this type of work. We have found homes for about 35 dogs and cats since we started doing this type of work about 7 yrs ago. When you buy artwork from me, it allows us to keep doing this work!

Finally got some progress on this. Its a smaller canvas than I usually do, and I have to wait between numbers for the paint to dry. And its been humid enough that takes longer than Id like. Hoping I keep having the time and energy this week to work on her more.

These're some photos of the field next to my house. These are two of the street dogs that I help out here, Dragon and Maleet, barking at it and giving the poor cow a headache lol A local guy owns this cow and it grazes out in this field here a lot. This is a common scene where I live in my neighborhood, this type of thing going on right here.


Here's some footage of me feeding Bear, one of many homeless dogs and cats in my town that I feed regularly and provide assistance to. When you purchase art from me, it helps me do this type of work. I use money from my art business to run a small dog and cat rescue operation here on our island in the Gulf of Thailand. I have a lot of finished works available and also do !

Great Pyrenees

This picture book is deliciously adorable ! Buckwheat the black and white dog is very hungry ! Exploring Jewish food, the animal counts each of the tantalizing dishes : one golden challah, two matzo balls, three matzos, four kugels, five knishes, and so on.

Name this good boy

Just call us Shaggy and Scooby


Heads up, I've updated my avatar since I got a haircut and the other one was fairly old.

He has acquired his comfy position.

Indy continues to live the life dreams are made of here in Maui. He got to see a few waterfalls yesterday along the North coast.

# ...


Reportedly I make a good pillow.

The Bully


Miss Ellie P, publicly appointed Mud Inspector and all round messy puppy, celebrates .

With summer wrapping up soon, I thought it might be time for one last trip to the beach.

YCH by CobaltGrande!

Indy has had a great weekend. He went to a local punk rock show (he's deaf in his older years), went for a few long car rides, visited a local pub, enjoyed a botanical garden and enjoyed a couple of outdoor restaurants. Lucky boy.



I can afford to do as a hobby, and still have a family, because of my strong . Without it I'd have to work more for less and have less time for family for hobbies.

It is not an exaggeration to say the only reason my American dream can be a reality is due to unions.
