Awards for Dogs


I'm allergic to peanuts.

Someone gave my dog a peanut butter treat at daycare today by accident.

Tonight at 2 AM she came and vomited in the office next to me.

My wife had to get up and clean it because it was literally toxic to me.

What a trooper.

Minun , minun pallo, PalloPalloPallo!



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La vecina me llamo escandalosa



Der Morgen mit dem Wolf: Rohe Krfte und Matsch. Es ist eine beliebte Strategie, mit schweren Maschinen bei mglichst ungnstigen Bedingungen auf unbefestigten Wegen zu arbeiten. Damit der Schaden mglichst hoch ist und man anschliessend noch einige Male mit den Spielzeugen anrcken kann. Der Unterschied vorher/nachher ist auf den Bildern gut zu erkennen.

My dressed up as an today.


Still somewhat rough, but then I got this tonight.

Now, if there isn't going to be a zombie outbreak in this photo, I don't know what else it is about.

If you search for in your photos library, how many do you find I get 4,327!

I have been busy with a little bit of last-minute travel and joy-seeking before starting a new job this week.

Last weekend we went to Moloka'i where Indy was greeted with a song and a custom puakenikeni lei at the airport from our hosts. He smelled amazing for the rest of the afternoon

Cest par un magnifique couch de soleil sur le lac que cette journe sachve ! Mia a pu se dpenser fond entre exercices physiques, dobissance et marche au pied (pas encore gagn 100%)

1 February 1932 A Dutch Jewish boy, Salomon Levie, was born in Meppel.

In October 1942 he was deported to Auschwitz and, after selection, murdered in a gas chamber.

OMG, Lassie, walk away. How many times can Timmy fall down that well

This little gremlin. I am so tired.

Get two dogs they said it will be great they said. Now I cant take a shit in peace without these assholes playing and fighting in front of me

What's that


Mit dem Tau kuscheln so wichtig

Cane sciolto - Loose cannon -


It's February 1st!!!

We have been waiting for this day with anticipation!!!

We will get the ball rolling with these pics letting everyone know what we have in store.

There are many fantastic people using the and we can't wait to highlight the ones that already live by the code of conduct. It's common sense, really, but there are some who will need to be nudged in the right direction.